These data should not be used as an endpoint for decision making purposes in instances such as spill response or the locating of a well in proximity to other features (e.g., property lines, septic systems, buildings etc.). All well locations should be field verified by the user before decisions are made.
Please note, there may be records in the State’s water well database that do not contain reliable locational information, specifically with respect to the reported latitude and longitude. The database includes entries reported as far back as the 1920s and the accuracy of locational information depends on the type of instruments (e.g., topographic map, address, GPS, etc.) used to record/report the location as well as the diligence of the reporting entity. It is suggested that you review the data using the provided coordinates, the location/address, and the well owner’s name.
Also, municipal well locations and wellhead protection areas are considered confidential under TCA 10-7-504 (a) (21) (A) and Rule 0400-01-01-.01(4)(c), so the location of those data have been redacted from the records provided. In cases where the requestor has asked for an evaluation of these features in the area of interest, we will provide information pertaining to the presence or absence of these features on the area of interests. If these features are present, the name of the Public Water Supply (PWS) will be provided so that the user can contact the public water supply for additional information.