Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR) Permits Documents Permit Appeals Moratoriums Complaints Inspections Eng. Plans Hydrologic Det. Exceptional Waters Ambient Monitoring QLP Data Oil & Gas Wells FTC Operator Certification Water Wells SITE INFORMATION Help Back to Previous Page Site Name316b Cooling Water IntakesDescriptionreference and informational material on CWA Section 316(b) for regulating cooling water intake structuresLocationStatewideCountyStatewideOther CountiesWithin MS4CityAny CityZip00000 DWR Permits at this Site Permit NoPermitteeTypeAction TN316B316B Technical Information SiteIndividualInactive row(s) 1 - 1 of 1 Complaints on this Site no data found Inspections at this Site no data found Documents at this Site Search All Documents ViewPermit NoFile TypeDescriptionDocument Date TN316BMemoEPA Memorandum 316b Permit Framework and Attachment 20220706JUL-06-2022 TN316BEmailRCVD 27-MAR-19: email re: does 316(b) cover schools as well? from Julia Anastasio.MAR-27-2019 TN316BSpreadsheetfor EPAR4, updated table of permit info for TN 316b sitesJUN-11-2018 TN316BLetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 13-MAY-16: letter to Vojin Janjic re: potential applicability of 316(b) regulations by P.J. Glarrow of Viskase.MAY-13-2016 TN316BEmailRCVD 12-JAN-16: email re: permit reviews by USFWS from Steven Alexander.JAN-12-2016 TN316BImageTN's largest industrial water withdrawals considered likely applicable for 316b rule.OCT-14-2015 TN316BLetterInstallation of intake screen unit at power plnatSEP-15-2015 TN316BReportHydrolox intake screen, no fish basketSEP-15-2015 TN316BReportHydrolox intake screen and fish basketsSEP-15-2015 TN316BImagemap of Critical Habitat under Endangered Species Act by USFWS - illustrates no water sources being considered under 316b rules are mapped, with some exceptions. note - missing PCA, Counce, TNAPR-22-2015 TN316BMemoworking draft of NPDES permit and rationale template for 316b-related provision of individual NPDES permitsAPR-22-2015 TN316BMemoBNA Article - States will have discretion to determine technologies for cooling water intakes.MAR-16-2015 -SpreadsheetTemplate for data reporting - Impingement Optimization StudyMAR-12-2015 -SpreadsheetTemplate for data reporting - entrainmentMAR-12-2015 -SpreadsheetTemplate for data reporting - entrainment performance studiesMAR-12-2015 row(s) 1 - 15 of 34Next FileNet Documents Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.
     Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR)