| TN0001171 | Application | RCVD VIA EMAIL 07-NOV-24: cover letter, contact sheet, Form 1, Form 2E, Form 2F, flow diagram, maps, historical flow calcs, and revised flow calcs September 2014, by Michael Draughn | NOV-07-2024 |
| TN0001171 | Application | RCVD VIA EMAIL 27-SEP-24: cover letter, contact sheet, Form 1, maps, Form 2C, and flow schematic by Michael Draughn | SEP-27-2024 |
| TN0001171 | Permit | TN0001171 Final NPDES Permit | MAR-16-2020 |
| TN0001171 | Draft Permit | 2020 Draft Permit | JAN-28-2020 |
| TN0001171 | Report | CEI Report | JAN-21-2020 |
| TN0001171 | Application | Addendum to application | JAN-17-2020 |
| TN0001171 | Application | Application 2019 | AUG-29-2019 |
| TN0001171 | Inspection Report | Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI) Report, Letter, Photo Doc | NOV-10-2016 |
| TN0001171 | Old Permit | Final Permit 2015 | MAR-02-2015 |
| TN0001171 | Draft Permit | Draft permit (for 1/12/15 PN) | JAN-12-2015 |
| TN0001171 | Letter | 2014 Notice of Complete Application | OCT-17-2014 |
| TN0001171 | Letter | RCVD 16-OCT-14: letter re: alternatives analysis by Will Tucker. | OCT-16-2014 |
| TN0001171 | Application | RCVD 01-OCT-14: NPDES app by Chris Shepherd. | OCT-01-2014 |
| TN0001171 | Email | Email from S. Thomas regarding failure to monitor BOD during 2nd and 3rd qtr. of 2013. | MAY-21-2014 |
| TN0001171 | Notice of Violation | Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI) NOV and Report | JUN-14-2012 |
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.