Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR) Permits Documents Permit Appeals Moratoriums Complaints Inspections Eng. Plans Hydrologic Det. Exceptional Waters Ambient Monitoring QLP Data Oil & Gas Wells FTC Operator Certification Water Wells SITE INFORMATION Help Back to Previous Page Site NameBradford LagoonDescriptionLagoonLocationYoung StreetCountyGibsonOther CountiesWithin MS4CityBradfordZip38316 DWR Permits at this Site Permit NoPermitteeTypeAction TN0062022Town of BradfordIndividualReissuance TNB062022Bradford STPBiosolidsInactive row(s) 1 - 2 of 2 Complaints on this Site ViewReceivedConcerningStatus APR-11-2007Sewage Bypass / OverflowClosed row(s) 1 - 1 of 1 Inspections at this Site Inspection DatePermit NoPermittee NameTypeResult 09-MAR-2023TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 09-MAR-2023TN0062022Town of BradfordSanitary Sewer SystemIn Compliance 02-MAR-2018TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)Out of Compliance 13-OCT-2017TN0062022Town of BradfordFollow-upIn Compliance 13-OCT-2017TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 12-OCT-2017TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 12-OCT-2017TN0062022Town of BradfordFollow-upIn Compliance 17-JUN-2015TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 28-JUL-2014TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 22-MAR-2013TN0062022Town of BradfordReconnaissance (RI)In Compliance 30-OCT-2012TN0062022Town of BradfordReconnaissance (RI)In Compliance 07-DEC-2011TN0062022Town of BradfordReconnaissance (RI)In Compliance 24-SEP-2010TN0062022Town of BradfordReconnaissance (RI)In Compliance 16-DEC-2009TN0062022Town of BradfordReconnaissance (RI)In Compliance 28-AUG-2008TN0062022Town of BradfordCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 1 - 15Next Documents at this Site Search All Documents ViewPermit NoFile TypeDescriptionDocument Date TN0062022MemoWPN23.0478 ARP Memo 20231025OCT-25-2023 TN0062022Inspection ReportBradford STP CEI 2023MAR-24-2023 TN0062022EmailMyTDEC Forms Req Notification - Event FormMAR-08-2021 TN0062022PermitFinal Permit 2020NOV-12-2020 TN0062022Draft PermitDraft Permit 2020SEP-29-2020 TN0062022ApplicationRenewal ApplicationAPR-03-2020 TN0062022Old PermitFinal PermitFEB-03-2020 TN0062022Form2017 Cert Operator FormAUG-18-2017 TN0062022Form2016 Certified Operator Form - Rec'd by emailAUG-10-2016 TN0062022EmailNetDMR Final ApprovalMAR-29-2016 TN0062022Old PermitFinal Permit 2015OCT-29-2015 TN0062022Old PermitDraft Permit (for 9/7/15 PN)SEP-09-2015 TN0062022Letter2015 WW Operator FormSEP-02-2015 TN0062022LetterComplete Application Letter 2015JUL-08-2015 TN0062022Inspection ReportBradford ICs, O&M Letter & O&M Inspection FormJUN-24-2015 row(s) 1 - 15 of 26Next FileNet Documents Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.
     Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR)