Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR) Permits Documents Permit Appeals Moratoriums Complaints Inspections Eng. Plans Hydrologic Det. Exceptional Waters Ambient Monitoring QLP Data Oil & Gas Wells FTC Operator Certification Water Wells SITE INFORMATION Help Back to Previous Page Site NameArconic Tennessee LLC - North PlantDescriptionThe North Plant is an aluminum forming and fabrication operation with hot and cold rolling capabilities. This plant also has the capacity to remelt aluminum scrap and cast ingots.Location1100 East Hunt RoadCountyBlountOther CountiesWithin MS4TNS075116CityAlcoaZip37701 DWR Permits at this Site Permit NoPermitteeTypeAction TN0067199Arconic US LLCIndividualModification TNR134371Alcoa, Inc. - North PlantCGPInactive row(s) 1 - 2 of 2 Complaints on this Site no data found Inspections at this Site Inspection DatePermit NoPermittee NameTypeResult 22-FEB-2023TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 10-NOV-2021TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 05-MAR-2020TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 11-FEB-2020TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 05-MAR-2018TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 04-MAR-2016TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 02-FEB-2016TNR134371Alcoa, Inc. - North PlantStormwater Construction Non-SamplingIn Compliance 29-AUG-2014TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 17-APR-2014TNR134371Alcoa, Inc. - North PlantStormwater Construction Non-SamplingIn Compliance 14-AUG-2012TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)Minor Deficiency Noted 24-JUL-2009TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)Minor Deficiency Noted 13-NOV-2006TN0067199Arconic US LLCCompliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance 1 - 12 Documents at this Site Search All Documents ViewPermit NoFile TypeDescriptionDocument Date TN0067199LetterTank Overflow Notification 06/23/2024JUN-23-2024 TN0067199FormCorrected rating sheet confirming major statusMAR-15-2023 TN0067199PermitMinor Permit Mod Correcting Stormwater OutfallsFEB-28-2023 TN0067199Inspection ReportCEI Report February 2023FEB-28-2023 TN0067199EmailExtension request and comments from permitteeJAN-30-2023 TN0067199Old PermitFinal Permit 2023JAN-30-2023 TN0067199Draft PermitDraft Permit 2022NOV-29-2022 TN0067199EmailArconic TN Ops - North Plant - Outfall 001 Basin Maintenance UpdateSEP-01-2022 TN0067199FormPermit rating form with status change to minor 2022JUL-12-2022 TN0067199ApplicationNPDES Application 2022JUN-29-2022 TN0067199Letter5_2022 NOV ResponseJUN-24-2022 TN0067199Notice of ViolationNOV for effluent violations on EPA's QNCR from September 2021 to March 2022MAY-25-2022 TN0067199Inspection ReportCEI letter/report from 080621 inspection at ArconicNOV-10-2021 TN0067199EmailPCB Detection NotificationOCT-01-2021 TN0067199EmailPCB Detection NotificationMAR-26-2021 row(s) 1 - 15 of 102Next FileNet Documents Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.
     Tennessee Division of Water Resources (DWR)