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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
35724Kopper Glo Mining, Inc. - Straight Cr. Surface MineClaiborne CountyClaiborne

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0079812MiningKopper Glo Mining, LLCModification12/31/2026

Inspection Details

In Compliance
This was a follow-up inspection continuing to monitor repairs to Outfall 18B. The spillway has been stabilized and grass is beginning to grow on the bare soil areas. The spillway pipe has been extended past the disturbed area to prevent new erosion in the event of a discharge. No leaking from the rock-lined spillway was observed. The permittee has completed all maintenance required to return to compliance with the NPDES permit.

Outfall 12, 18, and 19 were discharging at the time of inspection. Outfalls 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 (capped spillway pipe) and 20 were not discharging at the time of inspection. Outfall 17 was not discharging and the spillway pipe was capped, but dampness in the emergency spillway indicated that the pond had recently overtopped and discharged out of the emergency spillway or may be leaking. Any discharge from the spillway is a discharge that is regulated under the NPDES permit and should be monitored and sampled.

For photos and chemical data please refer to the supplemental inspection report on the dataviewer.