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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
5927Standard Construction - Deadfall Pit - Area #7 8476 Deadfall RoadShelby

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0066591MiningStandard Construction Company, Inc.Reissuance4/30/2026

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
DMP 001 in compliance; no discharge at time of inspection. Several feet of freeboard in settling pond north of main entrance. Emergency spillway and siphon discharge pipe at northwest corner of basin. Portions of northwest pit being regraded prior to reclamation. Stockpiles managed appropriately on-site. First cut pond at northeast corner – slopes fully revegetated; water level gauge observed on north side. East-central basin used for water storage only. The four-cell sequential treatment basin south of main plant - not discharging – no issues noted. Former active cell along south boundary has been re-graded – reclamation continues. Faulk property at southwest corner – fully reclaimed and ready for release. Area along east side of property used to store retired equipment and stage materials (metals, wood) for proper disposal is being managed acceptably. No solid waste or other environmental issues observed. Perimeter berms in place and vegetated. Site is in compliance with its NPDES permit.