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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
26650Kopper Glo Mining LLC Tackett Cr. Surface Mine No. 17692 South Highway 25wClaiborne

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0079430MiningKopper Glo Mining, LLCInactive12/31/2023

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
The site is fully reclaimed. Kopper Glo indicated that they would be requesting bond release from OSM and revising the Tackett Creek Surface 1 permit to incorporate a planned expansion of Refuse Area 2. This would potentially include Ponds 402, 406 and 407. The remaining area of Tackett Creek Surface Mine would seek bond release and NPDES permit termination. No negative environmental issues were noted during this inspection.