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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
54449Kopper Glo Mining LLC - Clear Fork Surface MineClairfieldClaiborne

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0069809MiningKopper Glo Mining, LLCReissuance10/31/2024

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Sampling (CSI)
This facility was inspected on July 18, 2022. At the time of inspection the pond at Outfall 006 was full and clear. Outfall 006 was discharging. Parameters measured using a water quality multimeter: Temp 25.27°C, pH 7.14, conductivity: 443.3 us/cm, HDO 7.37/90.2%. A sample was taken for labratory analysis.- Settleable solids - 0.208 ml/L; TSS 20.8 mg/L, Mn 4.0 mg/L, 2.05 mg/L. Outfall 007 was not discharging and the water level in the pond was low. The backfill above the pond at Outfall 006 slid a week prior to this inspection. The slide is approximately 230 ft in length, 70 ft wide, and 0.3 acres in size. GPS coordinates were taken near the top of the slide at 36.54692, -83.95702. The slide is encroaching into the haulroad. Storm water draining from the slide is being treated at the pond at Outfall 006. This site is in compliance with the NPDES permit. The permitee is taking measures to address the slide, which is not impacting waters of the state or the facility's discharge.