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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
5895Rogers Group, Inc. - Rutherford County Quarry5920 Burnt Knob RoadRutherford

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0066150MiningRogers Group, Inc.Active5/31/2029

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
Paperwork is current, well organized, and easily accessible, and a copy of the Permit is available on site. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) were submitted on time, with no effluent violations observed. Analyses of pH are conducted on-site by Mr. Steven Taylor, with all other parameters sent to Technology Center Laboratories. The pH standards were expired, and Mr. Taylor provided a receipt confirming new standards were ordered the same day. Calibration records were complete and demonstrated proper operation.
Site Review:
The berms and haul roads were found in good condition, settling ponds were well maintained, and no outfalls were discharging at the time of inspection. The facility is actively expanding to the west and east; updated site plans were reviewed and submitted to the Division on March 11, 2022. Outfall 001 is to be relocated to the northeast boundary of the property, and outfall SW-01 will be redesigned on the eastern side of the facility's entrance during the expansion.
The facility appears to be well-maintained and operated. The Division commends your staff for improvements and policies implemented from the previous non-compliant discharge from August 2023. No major concerns were noted during the inspection, and the facility appears to be operating in a manner compliant with the terms of its NPDES permit