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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
22273Bubba Johnson Sand and Gravel, L.L.C. - Bubba Johnson Contractors Sand PlantNorthwest corner of So. Highland Ave and Bond Creek (Map 100P, Parcel 5.01). Cerro Gordo RoadMadison

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TNRM24021TMSPBubba Johnson Sand and Gravel, LLCActive6/30/2025

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
At the time of the inspection, no discharge was occurring (Item 2) and the facility was not actively mining. As displayed in Items 5 and 6, BMPs need to be in place to control sediment and storm water runoff from areas disturbed for stripping with mining advancement. BMPs could include adding a berm, silt fence, or regrading to have storm water runoff drain to the pit or treatment structures. Please address this maintenance issue within 30 days and submit documentation (such as photos) to inspector Morgan Bishop at or 910-710-6390.
The facility was found to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the current NPDES permit. The conversation to a General Permit poses no current issues.