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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
106650Kopper Glo Mining LLC - Cooper Ridge Surface MineValley Creek RoadClaiborne

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TNRM24013TMSPLiberty Management, LLCActive6/30/2025

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Stormwater Non-Construction Non-Sampling
This facility is an unreclaimed surface coal mine. Liberty Management, LLC is reclaiming the mine. Equipment is on site and reclamation has commenced. Reclamation includes stripping the top of the existing highwall, blasting the highwall to generate backfill material, and then backfilling and grading the highwall followed by the addition of topsoil and seed.

All storm water from this site drains to the ponds at Outfalls 001-004. Outfalls 001-003 were not discharging at the time of inspection. Outfall 004 was not inspected.

For a complete inspection report, refer to the inspection document on the Division's Dataviewer.