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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
4794Nyrstar Tennessee Mines - Gordonsville, LLC (Elmwood Mine)Helms Bend RoadSmith

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
NR17MS.005ARAPNyrstar Tennessee MinesActive11/30/2027

Inspection Details

In Compliance
ARAP Compliance Inspection - Mining
Inspection of Mitigation Area at Gordonsville and Elmwood.

Site at Gordonsville looked good stream was above bankful elevation and functioning as designed. The riparian trees planted and volunteer were dense with a d.b.a. approximately 1-2". Coming up on five years of monitoring of this stream reach. If the USACE can authorize termination of monitoring for this reach the division will not require renewal of monitoring for this reach under the 401 certification.

The mitigation stream reach at Elmwood looked very good. The riparian trees and shrubs will likely be planted in February or March. The reconstructed stream reach looked very natural, stable and appropriately sized. Small areas to watch are the upstream tie in to the up slope drainage and where the stream ties in to the main channel lower end of the mitigation reach.

Overall the mitigation looks better than originally proposed.