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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
6133J. R. Hayes Construction Co., Inc. - Mine #4Joe Milam Road Henry

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0071200MiningDelta Contracting Company, LLCReissuance8/31/2026

Inspection Details

In Compliance
Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
Inspection conducted to evaluate new area proposed to be added to the permit.

I did not observe any water features within the new proposed permit boundary area. The proposed basin locations and outfall locations made sense based on the topography of the site. It appears that drainage from the new proposed permit area can be made to go into one of the proposed basin locations.

Drainage on the currently permitted portion of Mine 4 is controlled through basins or BMPs. The currently permitted portion of Mine 4 does not appear to have been active in several years. There is one stockpile of material remaining. A good portion of the currently permitted area has several pine trees growing on it that were planted by the facility.

I did not observe a discharge at Outfall 001 or 002. It does not appear that discharges have occurred recently at either of these outfalls. DMRs have been submitted as required and have been In Compliance.