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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCountyCoordinates
5895Rogers Group, Inc. - Rutherford County Quarry5920 Burnt Knob RoadRutherford35.880556, -86.533333

Complaint Details

Issue Resolved
Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
---Location Information---
120 Smotherman
120 Smotherman Ct

Investigation Details

10-AUG-23: Contacted Mr. Erik Knowles (OC) and Mr. Steven Taylor (Facility Manager) about the nature of the complaint. My onsite investigation discovered the southwestern treatment structures were overwhelmed by the heavy rains on 8-AUG-23, and the pump which recycles process wastewater had failed. This resulted in an overflow with runoff scouring along the southern section of the structures. Outfall 002 and the illicit discharge from the runoff had heavy sediments leaving the quarry into the WWC within the company's property.

Assessed Stewarts Creek and no sediment was observed within the stream or the banks.

11-AUG-23: Reassessed Stewarts Creek, and no sediment was observed within the stream or the banks. I returned to the quarry to review the SWPPP and the general documents available. Documentation showed evidence of Mr. Taylor visiting Outfall on 6-AUG-23 for routine sampling. A meeting over the phone with Mr. Knowles confirmed active repairs began this morning and a CAP will be submitted to the Division by 25-AUG-23.

I advised Ms. Susan Hall over the phone regarding the information described above and would like an additional call once the CAP has been submitted.

21-AUG-23: Rogers Group provided an e-mail detailing the events causing illicit discharge and a CAP and repairs completed.

I advised Ms. Hall over the phone, via voice mail, regarding the e-mail sent by Rogers Group.