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Site Details

Site IDSite NameSite LocationCounty
29527Bobby Hall Stone - Cumberland Quarry510 Officer KnobCumberland

Permit Details

Permit NumberPermit TypePermittee NamePermit StatusExpiration Date
TN0070181MiningMr. Bobby Hall, dba Bobby Hall StoneNew5/31/2029

Inspection Details

Out of Compliance
Logan Kennedy, Chris Pracheil, and Lindsay Acuff met with Mr. Bobby Hall and TC Miller of TARE, Inc. to review the work done in response to an NOV issued on 4/4/2022 as well as verify site plans changes for expired permit issuance. Progress on restoration of mined through tributary was acceptable. Bed and banks have been established. Some vegetation and resloping needed on banks. There is still a berm preventing connection with the Caney Fork. The inspectors asked that a connection be created in dry conditions. Site representatives should contact TDEC staff before cutting in the berm to verify sizing and timing. (Photos of this location were lost due to cell phone dying.) Outfalls 003, 006, and 007 were all discharging at the time of the inspection. It was recommended to make the sump at 003 larger. 006 was incorrectly located on the proposed site plans. Fines in the sumps around 006 were still present, and additional BMPs have not been implemented as requested in the previous NOV. The discharge from both of these outfalls was seeping through the pond berms, making them difficult to sample. Better establishment of sumps and armoring of berms is needed, however DMR submittals will still be required for discharges via seeps. The discharge from 007 was very turbid and causing a stark color contrast in Big Branch. (NOV to be issued.) Better establishment of sump, rerouting of on-site flow, and use of flocculation logs were all given as suggestions to prevent discharge of pollutan